Your Voice Matters

When you read, you hear the narrative in your head. The voice you hear won’t be the idealised version of your own – you know the one you hear in … Continued

The Magic 8

I’ve edited all sorts of books. And I’ve dealt with all sorts of authors. Like any good editor, I’ve had to adjust my approach depending on what and who I’m … Continued


You sit down to write, your hands hovering over your keyboard. The day’s events tumble around in your head – issues and responsibilities that demand attention. A small voice tries … Continued

What Goes in the Pot …

Sitting outside the Busybird Studio are two bits of signage (right) – one is a placard of the business; the second is a chalkboard, which we use to spruik upcoming … Continued


So what is ‘voice’ in writing? Google it and you’ll find any number of definitions. This is what Wikipedia has to say: The writer’s voice is the individual writing style … Continued