The Ever-Present 80s Music

“You need to write a blog. It can be about anything. Here are some examples.”

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Those were the words I was told before I got stuck into reading said examples. And yet, I still don’t know what to write. This genuinely might be the first time I’m at a loss for words. And so, I’m sitting here listening to the sounds of the office.

I can hear the intern’s keyboard clacking, an editor rummaging around her pencil case, Kev on the phone to a client, Oscar the dog playing with his squeaky toy, and Les turning on the coffee machine.

Of course, the ever-present 80s music is also playing.

The 80s music.

From the moment you walk into the office at Busybird you notice the music. It’s only ever 80s music, and all interns and work-experience students are forewarned that we need to study before we show up. Lest we be quizzed and get the singer/band/songwriter wrong.

Funny story about that: I didn’t remember which era I needed to study before my placement and thought it was 70s music. Over the course of the week, I have only gotten one song right, much to the horror of Les and Kev.


Currently “Super Trooper” by ABBA is playing, and no, I didn’t look that up! Les thinks it’s funny to quiz everyone on lesser-known songs, so while I grew up on these tracks, he always catches me off-guard. I suspect he does that with everyone though. The trick to avoid answering wrong is not to think, I hope no one quizzes me on this song, because trust me, they are telepathic and will ask you the minute you think it.

All jokes aside, the office is a very welcoming environment.

Oscar, AKA the “Morale Manager”, is always ready to greet you at the door, and wipes his mouth on your pants after he has a drink, which is always a laugh.

Every day, a different intern greets me with a smile as they introduce themselves. Kev and Les are always ready to unleash their sarcasm and constantly offer everyone tea, coffee and some kind of chocolate sweet. The editors and bookkeeper I’ve met are all very friendly too.

It’s laughable that I was worried I wasn’t going to fit in because I am so young and inexperienced, but it was almost as if I slotted in. No one has made me feel as if I don’t belong and I have even felt comfortable enough to join in on jokes.

I’m learning so much from this placement, from how to proof things, to formatting and even basic grammar. All these things I can use in school and for the rest of my life in whatever career I end up in, whether it be publishing, editing, writing, or something else entirely.

I don’t think this week could have been any better, and I also think I won’t ever listen to as much 80s music as I have this week either!

-Maddy Vecch
Year 10 Work Experience, 2024

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