Tell us a bit about yourself …
My name is Ruža Dabić-Bučak. I was born in Croatia in 1950 and grew up in my much loved Kolonija-Šećerana, Županja. My husband and I immigrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 1971, where we still live with our two children and three grandchildren.
What draws you to writing?
With writing I create a desired picture with words. I never plan to write. This feeling comes to me and insists that I write. Writing is necessary to me, like the sun, air, food and water.
So tell us about your book …
I write in Croatian and English. My poems are mostly autobiographical, the rest comes from my thoughts and feelings. I wrote this book in English so that my children and grandchildren and future generations will always know where and what they come from. My story is a picture of a moment in history that created new bloodline. Each of my poems is a petal from a moment in my life.
And what do you hope your readers draw from your writing?
I hope that my readers feel something – anything – of what I felt writing my poems.
What’s your writing process?
My inspirations come to me at the most inopportune times: as I am falling to sleep, driving a car, watching a movie. They dictate the language in which I am to write that poem. Usually I don’t stop till work is done.

I still write by hand. It’s pen, paper and me. We are the A-Team. Only when my work is revised many times, I type and file it.
Tell us one thing about your book, or your writing process, that nobody else knows.
If I get stuck I shut my eyes and see the way out.
What are you working on next?
At present I am working on four different pieces, two in English and two in Croatian.
When readers talk about you as an author, what do you hope they’re saying?
If readers talk about me as an author I hope they would say, “She is original.”
Any advice for other writers?
To other writers, I would say to follow your heart.
Where can we get your book?
Through me, Busybird Publishing, or Amazon.