
If you’re a writer, you’re just about guaranteed one thing in this life. Can you guess what it is? Publication? Fame? Riches? To be read? To share stories with the … Continued

Issue Seven Launches!

It’s a story that many of our regular readers will be familiar with: way back towards the end of 2008, a group of us – four writers and one illustrator/photographer … Continued


Here’s a question: when you write, do you write freely and without inhibition? Be honest. Your impulse might be to say you do. But think about it. Think about your … Continued


I was struggling to come up with an idea for a blog when suddenly, it came to me. Suddenly, I had it! Suddenly, I had the best idea. Just then, … Continued


You’re sitting in the cinema, waiting to see a movie. The commercials finish. A studio’s logo comes up. Music pipes in. And then you get it . The trailer. It … Continued

Your Publishing Journey

Years ago, self-published books looked self-published. Content was questionable, paper stock was this thick white stuff, and the finished product looked like it had been slapped together with a glue-gun … Continued


If a publisher asks you to submit three chapters, a synopsis, a cover letter, and to format it all in purple Wingdings, that’s what you do. The publisher sets the … Continued

Karma Kinglake Writing Retreat

After driving through winding roads and wondering if you’re going the right way, you see it emerge from the gum trees: Karma Kinglake, a rustic house rebuilt from the ashes … Continued