Breaking Down Content: Part I

Lots of writers look for a formula in writing, e.g. a novel should be 80,000 words each chapter should be 2,000 words 80,000/2,000 = 40 chapters. And then they’ll try … Continued

Some Editing Tips

At some point, you’re going to have to revise your writing. If you think you don’t, that you’ve produced something flawless, well, you have work to do on your attitude … Continued

An Underview of Structure

Lots of people struggle with structure, unable to conceptualise something they consider an abstract. We can point to prose. We can point to plot. We can point to characters. But … Continued

An Overview of Structure

Structure is a big issue in a lot of writing, especially among inexperienced authors. Often, inexperienced authors will spill everything on the page, and let the narrative take them – … Continued