The Bubble is Born

Imagine yourself as a child playing with bubbles. You blow ‘hot air’ through a small ring and into a film of bubble solution. A small bubble begins to form, then it grows, getting bigger and bigger. The Bubble is Born: Understanding Where Your Limiting Mindset Comes From is about discovering where all that ‘hot air’, or limiting mindset, originates and how these limiting beliefs impact our lives. It is about how we allow our own ‘bubbles’ to become wobbly, which can make us feel lonely and vulnerable.

Maxine takes you on the journey of her life through the latter part of the twentieth century and shows how her own bubble was created. Maxine reflects honestly as she delves into her past, which has enabled her to bring an awareness to who she was and why.

With this new knowledge, YOU now have the opportunity to investigate the beginning of your own bubble and truly understand more about yourself.

Maxine’s messages from her memories offer an insight into what she has learnt from …

The Bubble is Born and

Understanding WHERE Your Limiting Mindset Comes From!

Maxine leaves us with her legacy, telling stories of how things were, allowing you to visualise and imagine how the steps of history took place, which in turn leaves you with lessons and teaching of life. What a true privilege to read!

Kristie Dean – International Author of ‘I AM NOW’

Reflection can be an incredible and powerful resource, especially when you think that our mindsets are first formed in our early years. This book is such an inspiration as Maxine shares her own reflections whilst guiding and encouraging you to make discoveries about your life. Knowledge is power!  

Sharon E. Brown – The Holistic Entrepreneur