Are you crippled with fear at the prospect of having twins, triplets, or quads? Have
fellow parents of multiples only compounded your anxiety? Discover how to tackle the
challenges of having multiples through real-life stories of parents who’ve been there.
The challenges that come with pregnancy and having more than one baby at a time are
very different than with singletons. Double Happiness Multiplied is the go-to book
for all your answers about carrying and caring for your babies. It’s packed with proven
tips and strategies for life with multiples, as well as stories from families with multiples
and expert medical advice. Lean on the wisdom of parents and caregivers who have
gone before you to create less stress and more joy in your life.
In Double Happiness Multiplied, you’ll learn:
- How to protect your relationship with your spouse while facing the
challenge of a multiple birth,
- Strategies for coping with gestational diabetes to keep your babies inutero longer,
- What questions to ask when you meet with specialists during your pregnancy
and after the birth,
- How to relieve the everyday pressure of life with multiples,
- Where to find the support you need, and much, much more!
Double Happiness Multiplied is your go-to reference guide for feeling confident
while pregnant with multiples. It’s the basis for a support network that helps
you care for your babies without jeopardising your relationships and mental health.
If you want a book full of expert advice, real-life stories “from the trenches,” and a full
embrace of the wonderful things multiples bring to your life, then you’ll love Sally
Barker’s life-changing book.