Critter’s Choice

‘I want to go down there. I want to be a human boy.’

A long slender finger was pointing in the direction of a place far, far away. Beyond the clouds, through the darkness and into the light, where I knew that a small blue-green planet sat proudly in the infinite vastness that enveloped it. 


The most challenging, yet the most loving of all the destinations…


Critter has come to Earth by accident. He has lived with
the fullness and stubborness of his heart but now faces
his biggest challenge.

… as these words escape my mouth, I feel the full weight of their meaning. I am 26-years-old with an unacceptable               medical diagnosis, but I have HOPE.

As Critter writes his Wish List, memories of his past come like a movie reel. He knows that he is strong enough to live and has so much support and love around him. What is his Life’s Mission   and what choices are left to him?